Yeap it's true.Blake Lively (gossip girl) will be starring in the movie adaptation of the successful book 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'.The role was -at first- going to Natalie Potman,but she refused to play in the end.Then they asked Anne Hathaway and Scarlett Johansson,but they weren't available.So Blake will be Lizzie Bennet in this P&P parody.As for Mr.Darcy...we don't know anything yet !
If you want to share your opinions about music,share your love experiences,have dreams to be analysed or talk about crazy things, this place is the best for you!!! ~Kelly~
Δευτέρα 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Σάββατο 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Are they fake ?
Some people say that Scarlett Johansson's leaked photos are fake.Whether they are real or not,I didn't like the way Scarlett's fans reacted when they saw the photos.No one is the same without the make-up.In my opinion they over-react,because these photos prove that even without the make-up she IS beautiful and has the perfect body,so SHUT THE F**K UP and try to understand that Scarlett didn't want these photos to be published (no one would) because they were shooted by her (using her mobile) just for fun...!These are personal photos and everyone has the right to pose for himself.
Κυριακή 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Venice Film Festival -- The results
The festival ended yesterday (10/9).Here are the worth-waiting results...
Σάββατο 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Δευτέρα 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Venice film Festival movies and more...!
I don't know about you,but my mind is in Venice these 6 days...Movies and stars are everywhere!!!!Here are the Festival's top movies...
1)A Dangerous Method (Keira Knightley,Michael Fassbender)
The film is rumoured to be the top one,but critics didn't really like it.A charming woman,gets between Freud and Carl Jung...
2)Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Gary Oldman,Colin Firth)
This movie has already a lot of fans worldwide and many critics state that will be the Oscar awards success this year.It is already nominated for the 'Best picture', 'Best leading actor' (Gary Oldman) and 'Best director'.Gary Oldman was interviewed for the Esquire magazine (will be published in October) and said that
he enjoyed working with Colin Firth and that he plans to direct him in the near future,as he was ''the guy he
was looking for''.
3)Contagion (Matt Damon,Kate Winslet,Jude Law,Marion Cotillard,Gwyneth Paltrow)
4)Carnage (Jodie Foster,Kate Winslet)

5)W.E. (Abbie Cornish,James D'arcy)

6)Alps (Άλπεις) by Yorgos Lanthimos
7)The Ides of March by George Clooney
8)Sal by James Franco
And now...the red carpet appearances...
Kate Winslet and Gwyneth Paltrow were the most glamorous on the red carpet, according to fashion experts.Have a look...

There were also other excellent appearances by British people (Keira Knightley,Colin Firth,...).Here's a photo of Keira Knightley...
That's all for today...Now we can do nothing but wait until the 10th of September,when we'll find out which movie deserves to have the Golden Lion...Have a good day and please leave a comment...!
Παρασκευή 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011
Amy's death - A true mystery...
According to the toxicologic examinations,Amy's death was not caused from drugs.So the accusations against Amy about her buying hard drugs a day before she died are proven wrong.Now,according to the doctors,the most possible cause is too-much alcohol,but Amy's family and friends said that Amy had stopped drinking alcohol about a month before her death.So,they will examine the body again in order to find out.Some other claim that Amy died because of the fact that she was extremely thin and that offered her weakness.I hope the mystery will be solved soon...(one thing that I know for sure,is that we'll never forget her)
Τετάρτη 31 Αυγούστου 2011
Colin Firth Fans Rock !!!! =)
5 days ago (26/8),my friend Annie sent me a message on utube writing that Oxfam 7th Annual Tribute to Colin Firth on his 51st birthday (10th September) is now closed.The amount of money donated is $9,023.85 for this year and more than 43,000 $ in total.Firthie fans from all over the world made it once again...!I also must say that the amount donated this year was 4 times more than the amount donated in 2009 ($2430).If this isn't the perfect bithday present,then what is it ? =)
For more information,Google 'Oxfam tribute',or visit '7th Annual Oxfam Tribute to Colin Firth on his 51st Birthday' page on Facebook (were they say that the amount of money donated is more than $9,250)
All you must know about a leo girl
Are you in love with a leo girl and you wanna know some things about her character and culture ?Then this text is for you....=)
About her character ;She is very kind and helpful.She will be there everytime you need help and support.She is also very sensitive,if you break her heart once,there is nothing you can do in order to fix it.But she is really selfish and stubborn (you cannot change her mind) and her favourite thing is to be the leader.All that she wants is to hear everyday that she is awesome/beautiful/the BEST!!!Also, she is veeery ambitious and she doesn't know what 'failure' means.She is a pure daydreamer and uses her imagination a lot.She wants her life to be like a fairytale.For her,the ideal lifestyle is the movie stars' one.Finally,she is really humourous loves to make people happy.
About friendship ;Leos are a bit anti-social and have a difficulty in making friends,but if your best friend is a leo,you are veeery lucky.They are always there for you and they would speak about you behind your back,or betray you,or reveal your secrets FOR SURE !The thing they hate most is lying and that's why they are always honest.For them, friendship is like a gift that few are worth to have it...
About LOVE ;Leos are very romantic and love is the best thing that can happen to them.They hardly make a relationship,because they want to be sure that their feelings about the other person are pure and that he deserves to be with them.They believe that true love can be found only once.As romantic souls, they dream of the day that their 'prince on a white horse' will come and ask their hand.When they love someone,they respect and care about them.They never cheat their lover,because they thing this is a way of betraying the other person.They are honest and expect the other person to be honest too.As I said some lines above,they are really-really sensitive,and if you break their heart once,you lost them.Before they make a relationship,they 'testify' the other person and when they're sure he is the one,they give all their heart and soul to them.Their first date must be kind formal,in an expensive restaurant with formal outfits.(they believe that men dressed formally,are sexy).
Now,the most private things...Leos are not only romantic lovers,but also romantic kissers.They,most of the time,kiss softly using only their lips (they hate wet and 'doggy' kisses),such as in movies.They kiss using a lot of passion and they keep it for quite long.When they kiss they feel like flying in the air and wish that this moment could last forever.According to surveys,leos and virgos are the best kissers.***IMPORTANT***When you kiss a leo ,you must hug her or touch her hair gently at the same time.Then they are litterally yours.
An important fact before you go to bed with a leo, is to tell her that you love her with all your heart.About sex,they are romantic there too.They want it to be soft.That gives them pleasure...That means that you love and care for them.They love passionate things,not wild.During the 'thing',you must remind her that she's special.That gives them energy.They prefer to do it traditionally and they hate using new methods and sex equipment.After the 'thing',try to tell her she is the best.They love it.After all of this, you understand that if you're not 'the one',she will never kiss or sleep with you.
About her career ;Leos create high aims and traditionally succeed,because they believe in themselves and are very ambitious.Leos are born to be leaders and so they choose careers that offer fame and tones of money (singers,movie stars,etc.).They prefer careers in which they have to use their talent,their imagination and show their personality.
THE END (I hope it was kind of helpful...comment and tell me your opinion!)
Παρασκευή 15 Ιουλίου 2011
How well do you know Harry Potter ?
Do you think that you know everything about Harry Potter ???Do the quiz and you'll find out...
1)What kind of animal is Norbert ?
2)In the 6th movie,Ron kissed
a)Angelina Johnson
b)Hermione Granger
c)Lavender Brown
3)Which animal is the symbol of Ravenclaw ?
4)Which are the Hufflepuff colours ?
a)green and silver
b)red and golden
c)yellow and black
5)Sirius Black can be turned into
6)In the 2nd movie,what did Ginny find in the girls' toilets ?
a)Godric Gryffindor's sword
b)Basilisk tooth
c)Tom Riddle's diary
7)Victor Crom was from
8)Who teaches Votanology ?
9)Harry Potter's wand is made from
a)a part from the tail of a monocerous
b)a dragon's heart
c)a feather from the tail of a phoenix
10)What colour is Draco Malfoy's hair ?
11)Which is Dolores Umbridge's favourite colour ?
12)Lord Voldemort can talk to
And now the results...
1)What kind of animal is Norbert ?
2)In the 6th movie,Ron kissed
a)Angelina Johnson
b)Hermione Granger
c)Lavender Brown
3)Which animal is the symbol of Ravenclaw ?
4)Which are the Hufflepuff colours ?
a)green and silver
b)red and golden
c)yellow and black
5)Sirius Black can be turned into
6)In the 2nd movie,what did Ginny find in the girls' toilets ?
a)Godric Gryffindor's sword
b)Basilisk tooth
c)Tom Riddle's diary
7)Victor Crom was from
8)Who teaches Votanology ?
9)Harry Potter's wand is made from
a)a part from the tail of a monocerous
b)a dragon's heart
c)a feather from the tail of a phoenix
10)What colour is Draco Malfoy's hair ?
11)Which is Dolores Umbridge's favourite colour ?
12)Lord Voldemort can talk to
And now the results...
- If most of your answers were As; Are you sure that you were watching Harry Potter films and not something else ???You'd better watch the film series from the very beginning and then do the quiz again...
- If most of your answers were Bs; You are not totally unaware,not a Harry Potter maniac either.You enjoy watching HP films (without your will most of times),but you don't pay attention to the details.I'm sure that when you heard that a lot of people were waiting for a whole week outside London's cinema in order to attend HP final movie premiere,you said 'These guys are totally psychos !!!'
- If most of your answers were Cs; Congratulations !!!!You have the knowledge to be a Hogwarts teacher.You love Harry,you adore Hermione and you create magical worlds in your mind,where you confront monsters and demons.I'm sure that you are very disappointed now that the whole thing is over...
Πέμπτη 14 Ιουλίου 2011
Jane Austen
Jane Austen was definitely the best writer ever existed.Her works are 'Pride and Prejudice' (my favourite one),'Sense and Sensibility','Emma','Persuasion','Northanger Abbey' and 'Mansfield Park'.Although she lived until the beginning of the 19th century,she has a lot of fans nowadays and she's still the queen of love stories.Film adaptations of all her books were made throughout these years and the most famous are the 1995 versions of 'Pride and Prejudice' (starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle) and 'Sense and Sensibility' (starring Kate Winslet,Emma Thomson,Alan Rickman and Hugh Grant).Also,these two books were her most famous ones.Her most famous heroine is Lizzie Bennet and then Marianne Dashwood.Every girl that has read or seen 'Pride and Prejudice',must have surely fallen in love with Mr.Darcy,who is a really proud, but also a dark and mysterious man.
Jane was born in the 16th December 1775 and died in the 18th July 1817 from Addison's disease at the age of 41.Jane never got married.When she was 14,she wrote her first novel 'Love and Friendship'.Some years ago,she wrote 'First Impressions' (later 'Pride and Prejudice') which was unpublished,something which also happened with her other novel 'Susan' (later 'Northanger Abbey),which was published 14 years later ,posthumously.Her first novel to be published,was 'Sense and Sensibility',which was published anonymously such as all the other novels she had written during her lifetime.Then 'Mansfield Park','Emma' and 'First Impressions' (whose title was changed to 'Pride and Prejudice') got published.'Persuasion' (her last complete novel)and 'Northanger Abbey' were published in 1818,a year after her death.Before her death,Jane was working on her seventh novel 'Sanditon',which was never completed.
For more information,read her biography on Wiki and watch the film 'Becoming Jane' starring Anne Hathaway.You can also attend the annually festival in England which is dedicated to Jane and her works every September's last week (for more information,visit
Please comment and tell me which is your Jane Austen's favourite book or film adaptation (or both) and why.Have a good day !!!! =)
Jane was born in the 16th December 1775 and died in the 18th July 1817 from Addison's disease at the age of 41.Jane never got married.When she was 14,she wrote her first novel 'Love and Friendship'.Some years ago,she wrote 'First Impressions' (later 'Pride and Prejudice') which was unpublished,something which also happened with her other novel 'Susan' (later 'Northanger Abbey),which was published 14 years later ,posthumously.Her first novel to be published,was 'Sense and Sensibility',which was published anonymously such as all the other novels she had written during her lifetime.Then 'Mansfield Park','Emma' and 'First Impressions' (whose title was changed to 'Pride and Prejudice') got published.'Persuasion' (her last complete novel)and 'Northanger Abbey' were published in 1818,a year after her death.Before her death,Jane was working on her seventh novel 'Sanditon',which was never completed.
For more information,read her biography on Wiki and watch the film 'Becoming Jane' starring Anne Hathaway.You can also attend the annually festival in England which is dedicated to Jane and her works every September's last week (for more information,visit
Please comment and tell me which is your Jane Austen's favourite book or film adaptation (or both) and why.Have a good day !!!! =)
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