Τετάρτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


Are you new to Twitter...?
You have problems in using it...?
Here are all Twitter terms explained especially for new brooms.

Tweets (facebook 'status') = Your updates (max. 140 characters).Your tweets may include; text,photos (using twitpic,instagram,yfrog etc.),links,hashtags,mentions.You can 'tweet' as many times as you want (Be careful!There's a limit...!)

Retweet = You can share tweets (written by sb else) you like with your followers, by clicking the 'retweet' button under the tweet.

Favourite = Or you can 'favourite' a tweet by clicking the 'favourite' button under the tweet you like.It is "stronger" than retweet,but it is not appearing in your timeline.

Timeline = The space where you can see the tweets written by people you follow (and your tweets too)

Followings = People you follow

Followers = People who follow you

Follow/Unfollow button = You can follow and unfollow people as many times as you wish

Follow-back = You do it by following your followers

RT = abbreviation of ReTweet

DM = Direct Message (for private chatting)

@Connect = Your mentions

Mentions = You can chat with someone by including his Twitter name in your tweet (@username)

Trends/Trending topics = Whatever people on Twitter talk about at the moment.You can see the top TTs on the left side of your site and join the 'discussion'.

Hashtag = Some of the TTs are with a hashtag (#) and some other not (either #Oscars2012 or Oscars 2012).If the TT you like has got a hashtag,then you just have to write your tweet and then the hashtag-ged topic (p.ex. Meryl Streep is oficially the actress of the year !!! #Oscars2012).Be careful !Hashtag phrases cannot include spaces,apostrophes,full-stops,exclamation marks,question marks or anything more than letters and numbers. (p.ex. #WordsIDontLikeToHear)

Shoutout = You want to promote an account to your followers ???Just tweet sth and mention the account. (p.ex. Hey guys.Follow my friend @username .He's funny,friendly and follows back !)

This is it !Now you're a Twitter professional !!! =)

Was it any helpful ???Please leave a comment,because I need to know...!Then follow me @kellyveneka ! #Thankyou !


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